Midhurst CC
Martlets vs Midhurst CC
Date: 5 Jul 2009
Venue: Midhurst CC
Time/Result: Win
Match Manager: Sandy Ross
Umpire: Colin Shaw
Midhurst 217 – 5 (40 overs) S Lush 74 Greg West 61* Kevin Smith 2 – 51
Sussex Martlets 218 – 2 (31.3 overs) Kevin Smith 61 Jonathan Haynes 53* Andrew Hartridge 50 Will Ross 43*
This is what Martlet cricket is all about! Competitive, great fun and a win! Midhurst are always very welcoming – lovely place to play (next to the Polo) – and a super day with weather to match.
A good performance in the field, followed by all 4 batters getting good scores, winning with 8.3 overs to spare! Drinks after, talk about Federer and Sussex wins – and home!
Batted first team:
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