
Hampshire Hoggets

Juniors vs Hampshire Hoggets

Date: 20 Jul 2018

Venue: Hurstpierpoint College

Time/Result: Won by 237 runs

Match Manager: John Bettridge

Umpire: Peter Meadows

Scorer: Tony Gibbs

Match Report

Junior Martlets ease to victory over the Hoggets


The Junior Martlets played their first game yesterday, sadly something of a mis-match 40/40 game against the Hampshire Hoggets. Junior Martlets 417 for 3 (Toby Shepperson 101 rtd, Ash Kumar 62rtd, Ted Bloomfield 58, Mason Robinson 40) Hampshire Hoggets 180 (Lewis Turner 3-18, Nathan Cooper 3-34). Won by 237 runs. A fine performance and excellently orchestrated in the field by Ash Kumar, the captain.




Batted first team:
Junior Martlets
Batted first score:
417 for 3
Batted first leading batters/bowlers:
Toby Shepperson 101 rtd, Ash Kumar 62rtd, Ted Bloomfield 58, Mason Robinson 40
Batted second team:
Hampshire Hoggetts
Batted second score:
180 ao
Batted second leading batters/bowlers:
Lewis Turner 3-18, Nathan Cooper 3-34

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