
Broadhalfpenny Brigands

Martlets vs Broadhalfpenny Brigands CC

Date: 2 Sep 2018

Venue: Broadhalfpenny Brigands CC

Time/Result: Cancelled

Match Manager: Stuart Ritchie

Umpire: Matt French

Scorer: TBA

Match Report

Sussex Martlets concede match to late season fixture congestion


Broadhalfpenny Down


It was with great regret that the Sussex Martlets had to withdraw from this fixture.  The fixture secretary’s hopes of getting this game on were dashed with late season fixture congestion a probable culprit.  Even the glorious weather and the chance of an outing to the Bat and Ball could not persuade enough Martlets to come together for an afternoon of cricket.  Profuse apologies have been sent with the hope of better fortune next year.

Stuart Ritchie


Batted first team:
Batted first score:
Batted first leading batters/bowlers:
Batted second team:
Batted second score:
Batted second leading batters/bowlers:

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